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Engineering Fluid Mechanics SI Version 12/e IA +作者:Elger +年份:2022 年12 版 +ISBN:9781119820734 +書號:ME0441P +規格:平裝/單色 +頁數:608 +出版商:John Wiley 內容簡介 ●Promotes student engagement with an accessible writing style, vibrant visuals, and plentiful photographs and illustrations  ●Aids student comprehension and information retention with over 1,100 fluid dynamics practice problems.  ●Approaches fluid dynamics in a manner inclusive of civil, mechanical, electrical, and other engineering fields.  ●Emphasizes technical derivatives to strengthen students’ grasp of fundamental equations  ●Applies the Wales-Woods Model to examples throughout the text, equipping students early with an expert approach to problem solving  目錄 1.Introduction 2.Fluid Properties 3.Fluid Statics 4.Bernoulli Equation and Pressure Variation 5.The Control Volume Approach and The Continuity Equation 6.The Momentum Equation 7.The Energy Equation 8.Dimensional Analysis and Similitude 9.Viscous Flow Over a Flat Surface, Drag and Lift 10.Flow in Conduits 11.Compressible Flow 12.Flow Measurements 13.Turbomachinery 14.Flow in Open Channels 15.Modeling of Fluid Dynamics Problems