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International Marketing 11/e AE +作者:Czinkota +年份:2023 年11 版 +ISBN:9789815059496 +書號:MB0732PC +規格:平裝/彩色 +頁數:640 +出版商:Cengage 目錄 Part I: THE INTERNATIONAL MARKETING ENVIRONMENT. 1: Global Environmental Drivers. 2: International Trade Frameworks and Policy. 3: The Role of Culture. 4: The Economic Environment. 5: The Political and Legal Environment. Part II: FINDING GLOBAL CUSTOMERS. 6: Consumer, Industrial, and Government Markets. 7: Strategic Planning. 8: Analyzing People and Markets. 9: Market Entry and Expansion. 10: Marketing Organization, Implementation, and Control. Part III: THE GLOBAL MARKETING MIX. 11: Product Management and Global Brands. 12: Global Marketing of Services. 13: Advertising, Promotion, and Sales. 14: Pricing Strategies and Tactics. 15: Global Distribution and Logistics. Pare IV: LEADERSHIP IN GLOBAL MARKETING. 16: Social Networks and Engagement. 17: Leadership, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Sustainability. 18: New Directions and Challenges. Appendix: Finding Your Calling: Jobs and Careers in International Marketing.