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Essentials of Organizational Behavior 15/e +作者:Robbins +年份:2022 年15 版 +ISBN:9781292406664 +書號:MB0723PC +規格:平裝/彩色 +頁數:440 +出版商:Pearson(Asia) 目錄 PART 1: UNDERSTANDING YOURSELF AND OTHERS   1. What Is Organizational Behavior? 2. Diversity in Organizations  3. Attitudes and Job Satisfaction 4. Emotions and Moods 5. Personality and Values PART 2: MAKING AND IMPLEMENTING DECISIONS 6. Perception and Individual Decision Making 7. Motivation Concepts 8. Motivation: From Concepts to Applications  PART 3: COMMUNICATING IN GROUPS AND TEAMS 9. Foundations of Group Behavior 10. Understanding Work Teams 11. Communication PART 4: NEGOTIATING POWER AND POLITICS 12. Leadership 13. Power and Politics 14. Conflict and Negotiation PART 5: LEADING, UNDERSTANDING, AND TRANSFORMING THEORGANIZATION SYSTEM 15. Foundations of Organization Structure 16. Organizational Culture 17. Organizational Change and Stress Management