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CONCEPTS OF PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES 12/E (GE) 作(譯)者:SEBESTA 出版日:2023/3/7 出版商:Pearson ISBN(13碼):9781292436821 書號:2149402 平裝/800頁/ 目錄 1. Preliminaries 2. Evolution of the Major Programming Languages 3. Describing Syntax and Semantics 4. Lexical and Syntax Analysis 5. Names, Bindings, and Scopes 6. Data Types 7. Expressions and Assignment Statements 8. Statement-Level Control Structures 9. Subprograms 10. Implementing Subprograms 11. Abstract Data Types and Encapsulation Constructs 12. Support for Object-Oriented Programming 13. Concurrency 14. Exception Handling and Event Handling 15. Functional Programming Languages 16. Logic Programming Languages