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Concepts of Database Management (Original SC) 作 / 譯 者 : Philip J. Pratt,Lisa Friedrichsen,Lisa Ruffolo,Ellen Monk,Joy L. Starks,Mary Z. Last I S B N - 13 : 9780357422083 I S B N - 10 : 0357422082 類 別: 資料庫管理/應用概論 版 次: 10 版 年 份: 2021 規 格: 398 頁 出 版 商: Cengage Learning Thoroughly introduce today's critical database issues with the applied approach in Friedrichsen/Ruffolo/Monk/Starks/Pratt's CONCEPTS OF DATABASE MANAGEMENT, 10th Edition. This hands-on presentation integrates real cases, practical examples and helpful screenshots to clarify concepts such as database design, data integrity, normalization, concurrent updates, data security and big data. Completely updated to reflect Microsoft® Access 2019, Office 365 standards and SQL Server 2019, this edition explores SQL in a database-neutral environment. Detailed coverage presents the relational model (including QBE and SQL), normalization and views, database administration and management. Students also examine advanced topics, such as distributed databases, data warehouses, stored procedures, triggers, data macros and Web Apps, within a presentation ideal for a variety of disciplines. The completely redesigned MindTap resources also leverage Access 2019 Training and Projects in SAM for extensive practice in Access with auto-grading and instant feedback. 目錄 Module 1 Introduction to Database Management Module 2 The Relational Model: Introduction, QBE, and Relational Algebra Module 3 The Relational Model: SQL Module 4 The Relational Model: Advanced Topics Module 5 Database Design: Normalization Module 6 Database Design: Relationships Module 7 Database Management Systems Processes and Services Module 8 Database Industry Careers Module 9 Database Industry Trends