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Consumer Behavior: Building Marketing Strategy 作 / 譯 者 : David L. Mothersbaugh,Susan Bardi Kleiser,Del I. Hawkins I S B N - 13 : 9781266114762 I S B N - 10 : 1266114769 類 別: 消費者行為 版 次: 15 版 年 份: 2024 規 格: 824 頁 出 版 商: McGraw Hill Education 內容簡介 Consumer Behavior: Building Marketing Strategy builds on theory to provide students with a usable, strategic understanding of consumer behavior that acknowledges recent changes in internet, mobile and social media marketing, ethnic subcultures, internal and external influences, global marketing environments, and other emerging trends. Updated with strategy-based examples from an author team with a deep understanding of each principle's business applications, the fourteenth edition contains current and classic examples of both text and visual advertisements throughout to engage students and bring the material to life. Topics such as ethics and social issues in marketing as well as consumer insights are integrated throughout the text and cases. The 15th edition of Mothersbaugh/Hawkins is tech-forward in both format and content, featuring the Connect with SmartBook 2.0. 目錄 PART I: INTRODUCTION Ch 1 Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategy PART II: EXTERNAL INFLUENCES Ch 2 Cross-Cultural Variations in Consumer Behavior Ch 3 The Changing American Society: Values Ch 4 The Changing American Society: Demographics and Social Stratification Ch 5 The Changing American Society: Subcultures Ch 6 The American Society: Families and Households Ch 7 Group Influence on Consumer Behavior PART III: INTERNAL INFLUENCES Ch 8 Perception Ch 9 Learning, Memory, and Product Positioning Ch10 Motivation, Personality, and Emotion Ch11 Attitudes and Influencing Attitudes Ch12 Self-Concept and Lifestyle PART IV: CONSUMER DECISION PROCESS Ch13 Situational Influences Ch14 Consumer Decision Process and Problem Recognition Ch15 Information Search Ch16 Alternative Evaluation and Selection Ch17 Outlet Selection and Purchase Ch18 Postpurchase Processes, Customer Satisfaction, and Customer Commitment PART V: ORGANIZATIONS AS CONSUMERS Ch19 Organizational Buyer Behavior PART VI: CONSUMER BEHAVIOR AND MARKETING REGULATION Ch20 Marketing Regulation and Consumer Behavior