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【簡介】 Featuring new coverage of quantum engineering and quantum information processing, the third edition of this bestselling textbook continues to provide a uniquely practical introduction to the fundamentals of quantum mechanics. It features straightforward explanations of quantum effects, suitable for readers from all backgrounds; real-world engineering problems showcasing the practical application of theory to practice, providing a relevant and accessible introduction to cutting-edge quantum applications; over 60 accessible worked examples using MATLAB (as well as open-source Python), allowing deepened understanding through computational exploration and visualization; and a new chapter on quantum engineering, introducing state-of-the-art concepts in quantum information processing and quantum device design. Updated throughout and supported online by downloadable MATLAB code, exam questions, and solutions to over 150 homework problems for instructors, this is the ideal textbook for senior undergraduate and graduate students in applied science, applied physics, engineering, and materials science studying a first course in quantum mechanics. 【目錄】