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Master Artificial Tactile Sensing Design for Biomedical Engineering Applications Filled with high-quality photographs and illustrations, including some in color, this definitive guide details the design and manufacturing of artificial tactile systems and their applications in surgical procedures. Artificial Tactile Sensing in Biomedical Engineering explains the fundamentals of the human sense of touch and the latest techniques for artificially replicating it. The book describes the mechanistic principles of static and dynamic tactile sensors and discusses cutting-edge biomedical applications, including minimally invasive surgery, tumor detection, robotic surgery, and surgical simulations. Artificial Tactile Sensing in Biomedical Engineering covers: Capacitive, magnetic, inductive, conductive elastomeric, optical, and thermal sensors Strain gauge and piezoelectric sensors Tactile sensing in surgery and palpation Tactile image information through palpation Tumor detection via artificial tactile sensing Estimating tumor parameters using the finite element method and an artificial neural network Determination of mechanical properties of biological tissues Tactile sensing in remote and robotic surgery Haptics application in surgical simulation