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International Trade Theory and Policy作  /  譯    者 :Dennis R. Appleyard,Alfred J. Field, Jr.I S B N -  13 :9789861579788I S B N -  10 :9861579788類             別:國際貿易理論 版             次:8 版年             份:2013規             格:504 頁出     版     商:McGraw Hill Education 1.International Trade Theory and Policy helps students move beyond recognition toward an understanding of current and future international events. 2.New improvements covering the emerging issues in the global economy are designed to help readers both understand and appreciate the growing importace of the global economy in the lives. 3. Every chapter has been reviewed and revised  to reflect current research and findings, with significant updates. 4. New In the Real World boxes,  designed to provide examples of current international issues and developments drawn straight from the news that illustrate the concepts developed in the chapter, have been included throughout the text featuring modern examples. 目錄 Ch 1 The World of International Economics PART I: THE CLASSICAL THEORY OF TRADE Ch 2 Early Trade Theories: Mercantilism and the Transition to the Classical World of David Ricardo. Ch 3 The Classical World of David Ricardo and Comparative Advantage Ch 4 Extensions and Tests of the Classical Model of Trade PART II: NEOCLASSICAL TRADE THEORY Ch 5 Introduction to NeocIassical Trade Theory: Tools to Be Employed Ch 6 Gains from Trade in Neoclassical Theory Ch 7 Offer Curves and the Terms of Trade Ch 8 The Basis for Trade: Factor Endowments and the Heckscher-Ohlin Model Ch 9 Empirical Tests of the Factor Endowments Approach PART III: ADDITIONAL THEORIES AND EXTENSIONS Ch10 Post—Heckscher-OhIin Theories of Trade and Intra-Industry Trade Ch11 Economic Growth and International Trade Ch12 International Factor Movements PART IV: TRADE POLICY Ch13 The Instruments of Trade Policy Ch14 The Impact of Trade Policies Ch15 Arguments for Interventionist Trade Policies Ch16 Political Economy and U.S. Trade Policy Ch17 Economic Integration Ch18 International Trade and the Developing Countries