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書名:Introduction to Electrodynamics 4/e 作者:GRIFFITHS 出版社:Cambridge 出版日期:2017/00/00 ISBN:9781108420419 內容簡介 •Illustrates the theoretical steps with well-chosen examples and illustrations •Embeds equations in a discussion of the relevant physics concepts and highlights the most important features •Has a wealth of problems, varying from straightforward to sophisticated, so that the students can be assigned some problems to build their confidence and others to stretch their abilities. 目錄 1. Vector analysis 2. Electrostatics 3. Potentials 4. Electric fields in matter 5. Magnetostatics 6. Magnetic fields in matter 7. Electrodynamics 8. Conservation laws 9. Electromagnetic waves 10. Potentials and fields 11. Radiation 12. Electrodynamics and relativity Appendix A. Vector calculus in curvilinear coordinates Appendix B. The Helmholtz theorem Appendix C. Units