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書名:Linear Algebra and Its Applications 4/e 作者:STRANG 出版社:Cengage 出版日期:2006/00/00 ISBN:9780030105678 內容簡介 ●Offers a large number of applications to physics, engineering, probability and statistics, economics, and biology. These are not tacked on at the end; they are part of the mathematics. ●Includes an optional section on the Fast Fourier Transform. Students discover how this outstanding algorithm fits into linear algebra and introduces complex numbers. ●Recognizes what the computer can do in linear algebra, without being dominated by it. ●Contains a wealth of exercises that appear in the sections and in the chapter reviews. 目錄 1. MATRICES AND GAUSSIAN ELIMINATION. 2. VECTOR SPACES. 3. ORTHOGONALITY. 4. DETERMINANTS. 5. EIGENVALUES AND EIGENVECTORS. 6. POSITIVE DEFINITE MATRICES. 7. COMPUTATIONS WITH MATRICES. 8. LINEAR PROGRAMMING AND GAME THEORY. Appendix A: Intersection, Sum, and Product of Spaces. Appendix B: The Jordan Form. Solutions to Selected Exercises.