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書名:Topology (PNIE) 2/E 作者:Munkres 出版社:Pearson 出版日期:2014/00/00 ISBN:9781292023625 內容簡介   This text is designed to provide instructors with a convenient single text resource for bridging between general and algebraic topology courses. Two separate, distinct sections (one on general, point set topology, the other on algebraic topology) are each suitable for a one-semester course and are based around the same set of basic, core topics. Optional, independent topics and applications can be studied and developed in depth depending on course needs and preferences. 目錄 Ch 1 Set Theory and Logic Ch 2 Topological Spaces and Continuous Functions Ch 3 Connectedness and Compactness Ch 4 Countability and Separation Axioms Ch 5 The Tychonoff Theorem Ch 6 Metrization Theoremss and Paracompactness Ch 7 Complete Metric Spaces and Function Spaces Ch 8 Baire Spaces and Dimension Theory Ch 9 The Fundamental Group Ch10 Separation Theorems in the Plane Ch11 The Seifert-van Kampen Theorem Ch12 Classification of Surfaces Ch13 Classification of Covering Spaces