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Management(GE) 作 / 譯 者 : Stephen P. Robbins,Mary Coulter I S B N - 13 : 9781292340883 I S B N - 10 : 1292340886 類 別: 管理學 版 次: 15 版 年 份: 2021 規 格: 618 頁 出 版 商: Pearson Education 內容簡介   Management by Stephen P. Robbins vividly illustrates effective management theories by incorporating the perspectives of real-life managers. Through examples, cases,and hands-on exercises, students will see and experience management in action-helping them develop the specific skills that employers are looking for and understand how the concepts they're learning about actually work in today's dynamic business world.   New coverage and fresh examples address the latest management tools, practices,and developments and the follwoing learner- and caeer-focused features help students to learn, link and apply major concepts:   1. The Employability Skills Matrix is a visual guide that maps chapter features to employability skills and provides guidance that helps students to survive and thrive in the workplace.   2. Examples of current management practices from across the world (including Asia, the UK, and the Middle East) relate concepts to real life.   3. End-of-chapter case applications enable students to apply management concepts to real-world scenarios, including those at Aldi, BreadTalk, Deliveroo, and British Airways.   4. Learning from Failure boxes illustrate how people like Oprah Winfrey and Steven Spielberg and companies like Apple and Disney have encountered and dealt with setbacks, gained new insights from their experiences, and bounced back.   5. Workplace Confidential boxes guide students on how to deal with challenges such as adjusting to a new job, job stress, and dealing with organizational politics.   6. It's Your Career boxes improve skills that will enhance career progress through topics such as identifying skills and weaknesses, managing time, and developing negotiation skills. 目錄 PART I: INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT Ch 1 Managers and You in the Workplace Ch 2 Making Decisions PART II: BASICS OF MANAGING IN TODAY'S WORKPLACE Ch 3 Influence of the External Environment and the Organization's Culture Ch 4 Managing in a Global Environment Ch 5 Managing Diversity Ch 6 Managing Social Responsibility and Ethics Ch 7 Managing Change and Disruptive Innovation PART III: PLANNING Ch 8 Foundations of Planning Ch 9 Managing Strategy Ch10 Entrepreneurial Ventures PART IV: ORGANIZING Ch11 Designing Organizational Structure Ch12 Managing Human Resources Ch13 Managing Groups and Teams PART V: LEADING Ch14 Managing Communication Ch15 Understanding and Managing Individual Behavior Ch16 Motivation Employees Ch17 Being an Effective Leader PART VI: CONTROLLING Ch18 Monitoring and Controlling