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General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry: Structures of Life 6/E 作(編/譯)者 : TIMBERLAKE 出版年份 : 2021 ISBN : 9781292275635 書號 : CX0348 幾色 : 4 規格 : 平裝 發行公司 : PEARSON 英文書名中譯 : 化學 版次 : 6E 頁數 : 936 內容簡介 Table of Contents: 1. Chemistry in Our Lives 2. Chemistry and Measurements 3. Matter and Energy 4. Atoms and Elements 5. Nuclear Chemistry 6. Ionic and Molecular Compounds 7. Chemical Reactions and Quantities 8. Gases 9. Solutions 10. Reaction Rates and Chemical Equilibrium 11. Acids and Bases 12. Introduction to Organic Chemistry: Hydrocarbons 13. Alcohols, Phenols, Thiols, and Ethers 14. Aldehydes and Ketones 15. Carbohydrates 16. Carboxylic Acids and Esters 17. Lipids 18. Amines and Amides 19. Amino Acids and Proteins 20. Enzymes and Vitamins 21. Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis 22. Metabolic Pathways for Carbohydrates 23. Metabolism and Energy Production 24. Metabolic Pathways for Lipids and Amino Acids