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Principles of Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management (GE) 作 / 譯 者 : Jay Heizer,Barry Render,Chuck Munson I S B N - 13 : 9781292355047 I S B N - 10 : 1292355042 類 別: 生產與作業管理 版 次: 11 版 年 份: 2021 規 格: 712 頁 出 版 商: Pearson Education 簡介 Principles of Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management provides a comprehensive, systematic, and practical framework for students to identify and understand the key elements of operations management: facilities, inventory, transporation, and information. Covering a wide range of industries and their prevalent practices, the eleventh edtion continues to provide students with a first-hand experience of what goes on behind the scenesof multinational companies, major concerts, and sport events, with case studies like "Project Management at Hard Rock's Rockfest" and "Green Manufacturing and Sustainability at Frito-Lay." Brand new learning objectives such as "Identify the 10 Strategic Decisions of Operations Management" and "Identify Career Opportnities in Operations Management" in Chapter 1 highlight the new edition's emphasis on productive learning and help students enhance their employability. Key Features 1. Global Company Profiles illustrate how leading multinational corporations like Boeing Betchel Group, Celebrity Cruises, Inc., Frito-lay, and Darden/Red Lobster Restaurants succeed by efficiently organizing their processes related to production and distribution of goods and services. 2. OM in Action boxes help students better understand operations functions by analyzing real-life scenarios. For example, students learn how technology can help minimize warehouse costs in "Amazon Warehouses Are Full of Robots" or how an organization's existing product strengths can be used for innovation in "Product Design at McDonald's." 3. Ethical Dilemma boxes challenge students with real-world scenarios that requires thoughtful analysis and making decisions related to operations management. 4. Updated Creating Your Own Excel Spreadsheets practice problems help students apply the skills and concepts they are learning about. Excel OM for Windows and Mac and POM for Windows, available on the companion website, enable students to create worksheets for solving homework problems. 目錄 PART I: INTRODUCTION TO OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Ch 1 Operations and Productivity Ch 2 Operations Strategy in a Global Environment Ch 3 Project Management Ch 4 Forecasting PART II: DESIGNING OPERATIONS Ch 5 Design of Goods and Services Ch 6 Managing Quality Ch 7 Process Strategies Ch 8 Location Strategies Ch 9 Layout Strategies Ch10 Human Resources, Job Design, and Work Measurement PART III: MANAGING OPERATIONS Ch11 Supply Chain Management Ch12 Inventory Management Ch13 Aggregate Planning and S&OP Ch14 Material Requirements Planning (MRP) and ERP Ch15 Short-Term Scheduling Ch16 Lean Operations Ch17 Maintenance and Reliability Appendix I N