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Munson, Young, and Okiishi`s Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics SI 9/e +作者:Gerhart +年份:2021 年9 版 +ISBN:9781119703266 +書號:ME0431PC +規格:平裝/彩色 +頁數:784 +出版商:John Wiley ●Learning Objectives at the beginning of each chapter, and the Chapter Summary, Study Guide and Key Equations at the end of each chapter, guide the reader in the key knowledge they are to gain from the chapter. ●Many photographs, illustrations, and videos that help students visualize fluid flow, and connect the math and theory to physical real-world applications. ●Numerous examples that provide detailed solutions to a variety of everyday examples of fluid-flow phenomena All of the example problems are out and carried out with the problem-solving framework of “Given, Find, Solution, and Comment” to inculcate good problem-solving practices in students. ●The Wide World of Fluids: Set of about 60 Short stories that reflect some important and novel ways that fluid mechanics affects our lives. Many of these stories have homework problems associated with them. ●A wide variety of homework problems that build on the practical applications of principles. The problems are grouped and identified according to topic. 目錄 1 INTRODUCTION 2 FLUID STATICS 3 FLUID KINEMATICS 4 ELEMENTARY FLUID DYNAMICS--THE BERNOULLI EQUATION 5 FINITE CONTROL VOLUME ANALYSIS 6 DIFFERENTIAL ANALYSIS OF FLUID FLOW 7 DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS, SIMILITUDE, AND MODEL 8 VISCOUS FLOW IN PIPES 9 FLOW OVER IMMERSED BODIES 10 OPEN CHANNEL FLOW 11 COMPRESSIBLE FLOW 12 TURBOMACHINES APPENDIX A Computational Fluid Dynamics APPENDIX B Physical Properties of Fluids APPENDIX C Properties of the U.S. Standard Atmosphere APPENDIX D Compressible Flow Functions for an Ideal Gas with k = 1.4 APPENDIX E Comprehensive Table of Conversion Factors