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 和這群年輕醫師及團隊長期的合作中,深感於影像學醫師的負擔很重,如何在有效的時間內作出更為精確的判斷,實有賴醫師們更為快速的經驗累積。因此,與大家決定編著一本能適當提供需要從事胸腔醫學的參考手冊,也使他們在執行業務之中減少因為時間匆促而造成觀察上的疏忽。 目錄 Ⅰ、胸廓骨架與軟組織 病例1 轉移性肉瘤(Metastatic sarcoma) 3 病例2 男性乳癌(Male breast cancer) 9 病例3 壞死性筋膜炎(Necrotizing fasciitis) 13 病例4 乳癌合併惡性皮膚潰瘍 17 (Breast cancer with malignant skin ulcer) 病例5 乳房整型(Mammoplasty) 21 病例6 內固定骨釘異位(Malposition of internal fixation pin) 26 Ⅱ、腹 部 病例7 肝細胞癌(Hepatocellular carcinoma) 33 病例8 胃腺癌(Adenocarcinoma of stomach) 36 病例9 右側卵巢腫瘤(Mucinous borderline tumor of right ovary) 40 病例10 胸管錯置放(Malposition of chest tube) 44 病例11 橫膈疝氣(Diaphragmatic hernia) 49 Ⅲ、縱 膈 病例12 胸腺囊腫I(Thymic cyst I) 55 病例13 胸腺囊腫II(Thymic cyst II) 58 病例14 類肉瘤(Sarcoidosis) 62 病例15 臟器逆位(Situs inversus) 66 病例16 氣管腫瘤-鱗狀上皮細胞癌 69 (Tracheal tumor- squamous cell carcinoma) 病例17 氣管狹窄(Tracheal stenosis) / 氣管插管後之後遺症 72 病例18 甲狀腺乳突癌合併氣管侵犯 76 (Tracheal tumor-thyroid papillary carcinoma with trachea invasion) 病例19 許旺氏細胞瘤(Schwannoma) 81 病例20 食道憩室(Esophageal diverticula) 85 病例21 威爾森氏症-門脈高壓合併食道靜脈曲張 89 (Wilson□ disease- portal hypertension with esophageal varices) 病例22 淋巴瘤(Lymphoma) 94 病例23 血管肉瘤(Angiosarcoma) 98 病例24 中央靜脈導管移位(Dislodged central venous catheter) 103 Ⅳ、肺 部 病例25 肺動靜脈畸型(Pulmonary arteriovenous malformation, PAVM) 111 病例26 肺葉內游離肺(Intralobar pulmonary sequestration) 115 病例27 淋巴管平滑肌增生症(Lymphangiomyomatosis, LAM) 120 病例28 肺結核-左上肺葉(Pulmonary tuberculosis- left upper lobe) 124 病例29 肺結核(Pulmonary tuberculosis) 130 病例30 肺腺癌-左上肺葉(Adenocarcinoma of lung- left upper lobe) 135 病例31 支氣管內結核合併左肺萎陷 139 (Endobronchial tuberculosis with atelectasis of left lung) 病例32 肺結核(Pulmonary tuberculosis) 143 病例33 栗粒性結核(Miliary tuberculosis) 149 病例34 肋膜纖維肉瘤(Pleural fibrosarcoma) 155 病例35 大□性肺氣腫 / 肺大□-左上肺葉 160 (Bullous emphysema / giant bullae- left upper lobe of lung) 病例36 囊狀支氣管擴張(Cystic bronchiectasis) 164 病例37 惡性肋膜間皮癌(Malignant pleural mesothelioma) 167 病例38 肺麴黴菌球病(Pulmonary aspergilloma) 171 病例39 肺隱球菌症(Pulmonary cryptococcosis) 175 病例40 肺土壤絲菌病(Pulmonary nocardiosis) 181 病例41 肺栓塞 / 氣胸(Pulmonary embolism / pneumothorax) 185 病例42 小細胞肺癌(Small cell carcinoma of lung) 189 病例43 肺腺癌-左下肺葉(Adenocarcinoma of lung- left lower lobe) 193 病例44 肺腺癌-右下肺葉(Adenocarcinoma of lung- right lower lobe) 198 病例45 肺泡蛋白沉著症(Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis, PAP) 204 病例46 瀰漫性細支氣管炎(Diffuse panbronchiolitis) 208 病例47 塵肺症(Pneumoconiosis) 212 病例48 支氣管類癌(Bronchial carcinoid) 216 病例49 淋巴瘤(Lymphoma) 221 病例50 蘭格罕細胞組織球增生症(Langerhans cell histiocytosis, LCH) 225