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This undergraduate textbook merges traditional solid state physics with contemporary condensed matter physics, providing an up-to-date introduction to the major concepts that form the foundations of condensed materials. The main foundational principles are emphasized, providing students with the knowledge beginners in the field should understand. The book is structured in four parts and allows students to appreciate how the concepts in this broad area build upon each other to produce a cohesive whole as they work through the chapters. Illustrations work closely with the text to convey concepts and ideas visually, enhancing student understanding of difficult material, and end-of-chapter exercises varying in difficulty allow students to put into practice the theory they have covered in each chapter and reinforce new concepts. Seamlessly merges traditional solid state physics and contemporary condensed matter physics, providing an up-to-date introduction to condensed materials for undergraduates on one-semester courses Structured in four parts so that students can appreciate how the subject matter in this broad field builds to produce a cohesive whole Illustrations work closely with the text to convey concepts and ideas visually, while end-of-chapter exercises allow students to put into practice the theory they have covered in each chapter Solutions manual included