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Operations and Supply Chain Management 2/e +作者:Collier/Evans +年份:2021 年2 版 +ISBN:9780357131695 +書號:IE0295HC +規格:精裝/彩色 +頁數:704 +出版商:Cengage 內容簡介 目錄 PART 1: BASIC CONCEPTS OF OM AND VALUE CHAINS. 1. Operations Management and Value Chains. 2. Measuring Performance in Operations and Value Chains. 3. Operations Strategy. 4. Technology and Operations Management. PART 2: DESIGNING OPERATIONS AND SUPPLY CHAINS 5. Goods and Service Design. 6. Supply Chain Design. 7. Process Selection, Design, and Improvement. 8. Facility and Work Design. PART 3: MANAGING OPERATIONS AND SUPPLY CHAINS. 9. Forecasting and Demand Planning. 10. Capacity Management. 11. Process Analysis and Resource Utilization. 12. Managing Inventories in Supply Chains. 13. Supply Chain Management and Logistics. 14. Resource Management. 15. Operations Scheduling and Sequencing. 16. Quality Management. 17. Quality Control & SPC. 18. Lean Operating Systems. 19. Project Management. Supplements A: Probability and Statistics. B: Decision Analysis. C: Break-Even Analysis. D: Linear Optimization. E: The Transportation and Assignment Problems. F: Queuing Models. G: Simulation. Appendix A: Areas for the Cumulative Standard Normal Distribution. Appendix B: Factors for Control Charts. 會計 經濟 國際貿易 財務 企業管理 數學 機率與統計 資訊與資工 工業工程 社會與心理 醫務管理 物理 化學與化工 電子與電機 機械工程 航空工程 土木工程 環境工程 生命科學 護理 休閒觀光與餐飲 化妝品科學 其他 帳號 密碼 驗證碼 忘記密碼 | 註冊 訂閱 / 取消滄海電子報