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Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach 6/e +作者:Winsner +年份:2023 年6 版 +ISBN:9780357715604 +書號:IE0302PC +規格:平裝/彩色 +頁數:688 +出版商:Cengage 目錄 Part 1: SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT: AN OVERVIEW. 1. Introduction to Supply Chain Management. Part 2: SUPPLY ISSUES IN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT. 2. Purchasing Management. 3. Creating and Managing Supplier Relationships. 4. Ethical and Sustainable Sourcing. Part 3: OPERATIONS ISSUES IN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT. 5. Demand Forecasting. 6. Resource Planning Systems. 7. Inventory Management. 8. Process Management--Lean and Six Sigma in the Supply Chain. Part 4: DISTRIBUTION ISSUES IN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT. 9. Domestic U.S. and Global Logistics. 10. Customer Relationship Management. 11. Global Location Decisions. 12. Service Response Logistics. Part 5: INTEGRATION ISSUES IN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT. 13. Supply Chain Process Integration. 14. Performance Measurement Along the Supply Chain.