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Essentials of Contemporary Management 作 / 譯 者 : Gareth R. Jones,Jennifer M. George I S B N - 13 : 9781266272110 I S B N - 10 : 1266272119 類 別: 管理學 版 次: 10 版 年 份: 2024 規 格: 497 頁 出 版 商: McGraw Hill Education 內容簡介 Essentials of Contemporary Management provides the most current, concise account of changes taking place in the world of management and management practices by emphasizing the challenges and opportunities facing today’s managers in organizations large and small making the text relevant and interesting to students. Jones/George infuses real managers who seize opportunities, overcome challenges, and effectively manage and lead their organizations allowing students to see real-life management in action. It mirrors the changes taking place in today's management practice by incorporating recent developments in management theory and research. Central to the book's approach, boxed material is seamlessly integrated into the text and an integral part of the learning experience; it is not disembodied from the chapter narrative. 目錄 PART I: MANAGEMENT AND MANAGERS Ch 1 The Management Process Today Ch 2 Values, Attitudes, Emotions, and Culture: The Manager as a Person PART II: THE ENVIRONMENT OF MANAGEMENT Ch 3 Managing Ethics and Diversity Ch 4 Managing in the Global Environment PART III: PLANNING, DECISION MAKING, AND COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE Ch 5 Decision Making, Learning, and Creativity Ch 6 Planning, Strategy, and Competitive Advantage PART IV: ORGANIZING AND CHANGE Ch 7 Designing Organizational Structure Ch 8 Organizational Control and Change PART V: LEADING INDIVIDUALS AND GROUPS Ch 9 Motivation Ch10 Leaders and Leadership Ch11 Effective Team Management Ch12 Building and Managing Human Resources PART VI: CONTROLLING ESSENTIAL ACTIVITIES AND PROCESSES Ch13 Effective Communication Ch14 Operations Management: Managing Operations and Processes