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作(編/譯)者 : PENG 出版年份 : 2014 ISBN : 9781133953265 書號 : KX0306 幾色 : 1 規格 : 平裝 發行公司 : CENGAGE 英文書名中譯 : 國際策略管理 版次 : 3E 頁數 : 560 Table of Contents: Part 1: FOUNDATIONS OF GLOBAL STRATEGY. 1. Strategy Around the Globe. 2. Industry Competition. 3. Resources and Capabilities. 4. Institutions, Cultures, and Ethics. Part 2: BUSINESS-LEVEL STRATEGIES. 5. Foreign Market Entries. 6. The Entrepreneurial Firm. 7. Strategic Alliances and Networks. 8. Global Competitive Dynamics. Part 3: CORPORATE-LEVEL STRATEGIES. 9. Diversification and Acquisitions. 10. Multinational Strategies, Structures, and Learning. 11. Corporate Governance. 12. Corporate Social Responsibility.