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【原文書】 書名:Workplace Success 2 with MP3 CD/1片 作者:Jamie Blackler 出版社:Cengage 出版日期:2016/04/19 ISBN:9789865632649 內容簡介   Description   The Workplace Success series prepares students for working in an English-speaking job environment. All four English skills-reading, listening, speaking and writing-are included in each unit. Essential professional English skills are included as well, such as giving presentations, participating in meetings and negotiating. This series will provide learners with the essential tools for working in a globalized world.   The training includes professional English preparation and practice through:   ‧Real-world professional simulations and scenarios   ‧Extensive grammar sections   ‧Negotiating strategies and techniques   ‧Job hunting and interviewing skills   ‧Review units in TOEIC® Test style   This series is designed to be easy to use for both teachers and students, as all of the exercises are clearly stated in the books.   The functional skills practice sections in each of the units have been prepared to mimic real situations that exist in the professional world.