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Systems Analysis and Design (Asia Edition) 作 / 譯 者 : Scott Tilley I S B N - 13 : 9789814878302 I S B N - 10 : 9814878308 類 別: 系統分析與設計 版 次: 12 版 年 份: 2020 規 格: 488 頁 出 版 商: Cengage Learning 內容簡介   Introduce information systems development with today's latest practical and streamlined approach in Tilley’s SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN, 12E and MindTap digital resources. Students learn even more about emerging technologies and methodologies, including agile methods, cloud computing and mobile applications, as this edition provides an easy-to-understand approach to systems analysis and design. Meaningful projects, insightful assignments and end-of-chapter exercises -- within this edition and online -- work together to hone your students' skills. New MindTap ConceptClip videos and a new continuing case complement the book's wealth of real-world examples and work with proven online learning tools to help students master critical thinking and IT skills needed in today's dynamic, business-related environment. Detailed instructor support focuses on the most important skills and concepts to guide you in helping your students succeed in today's competitive business world. 目錄 PHASE I: SYSTEMS PLANNING Ch 1 Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design Ch 2 Analyzing the Business Case Ch 3 Managing Systems Projects PHASE II: SYSTEMS ANALYSIS Ch 4 Requirements Engineering Ch 5 Data and Process Modeling Ch 6 Object Modeling Ch 7 Development Strategies PHASE III: SYSTEMS DESIGN Ch 8 User Interface Design Ch 9 Data Design Ch10 System Architecture PHASE IV: SYSTEMS IMPLEMENTATION Ch11 Managing Systems Implementation PHASE V: SYSTEMS SUPPORT AND SECURITY Ch12 Managing Systems Support and Security