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書名:Global Business 4/E 作者:PENG 出版社:CENGAGE 出版日期:2017/00/00 ISBN:9789814844703 Table of Contents: Part I: LAYING FOUNDATIONS. 1. Globalizing Business. 2. Understanding Formal Institutions: Politics, Laws, and Economics. 3. Emphasizing Informal Institutions: Cultures, Ethics, and Norms. 4. Leveraging Resources and Capabilities. Part II: ACQUIRING TOOLS. 5. Trading Internationally. 6. Investing Abroad Directly. 7. Dealing With Foreign Exchange. 8. Capitalizing on Global and Regional Integration. Part III: STRATEGIZING AROUND THE GLOBE. 9. Growing and Internationalizing the Entrepreneurial Firm. 10. Entering Foreign Markets. 11. Managing Global Competitive Dynamics. 12. Making Alliances and Acquisitions Work. 13. Strategizing, Structuring, and Learning Around the World. Part IV: BUILDING FUNCTIONAL EXCELLENCE. 14. Competing on Marketing and Supply Chain Management. 15. Managing Human Resources Globally. 16. Financing and Governing the Corporation Globally. 17. Managing Corporate Social Responsibility Globally.