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Supply Chain Management: A Logistics Perspective (Asia Edition) 作 / 譯 者 : C. John Langley, Jr.,Robert A. Novack,Brian J. Gibson,John J. Coyle I S B N - 13 : 9789814922838 I S B N - 類 別: 物流管理 版 次: 11 版 年 份: 2021 規 格: 628 頁 出 版 商: Cengage Learning 內容簡介 Blend logistics theory with practical applications as you offer students a refined focus on the supply chain approach with Langley/Novack/Gibson/Coyle's SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT: A LOGISTICS PERSPECTIVE, 11E. This edition highlights emerging issues, technology developments, and global changes in today's constantly evolving field of supply chain management. Updates examine significant changes in business environments and their impact on the success of supply chains. New coverage emphasizes recent supply chain technology, e-commerce and omni-channel supply chains, changes in transportation and pricing, warehousing, and impacts on future designs of supply chains. Updated profiles introduce chapter topics using real companies and familiar people and events, while updated "On the and short cases provide hands-on managerial experience. Revised technology features emphasize the latest advancements in supply chain management and logistics practices throughout the world. A complete support package further reinforces your instruction. 目錄 PART I: SUPPLY CHAIN FOUNDATIONS Ch 1 Supply Chain Management: An Overview Ch 2 Global Dimensions of Supply Chains Ch 3 Role of Logistics in Supply Chains Ch 4 Supply Chain and Omni–Channel Network Design PART II: SUPPLY CHAIN FUNDAMENTALS Ch 5 Sourcing Materials and Services Ch 6 Producing Goods and Services Ch 7 Demand Management Ch 8 Order Management and Customer Service PART III: CROSS-CHAIN LOGISTICS PROCESSES Ch 9 Managing Inventory in the Supply Chain Ch10 Distribution–Managing Fulfillment Operations Ch11 Transportation–Managing the Flow of the Supply Chain PART IV: SUPPLY CHAIN CHALLENGES AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS Ch12 Aligning Supply Chains Ch13 Supply Chain Performance Measurement and Financial Analysis Ch14 Supply Chain Technology–Managing information Flows Ch15 Strategic Challenges and Change for Supply Chains