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Biology of the Invertebrates 7/e 作者:Jan A. Pechenik ISBN:9789814738613 版次:7 年份:2015 出版商:McGraw-Hill 頁數/規格:606頁/平裝雙色 Description This textbook is the most concise and readable invertebrates book in terms of detail and pedagogy (other texts do not offer boxed readings, a second color, end of chapter questions, or pronunciation guides). All phyla of invertebrates are covered (comprehensive) with an emphasis on unifying characteristics of each group. Table of Contents 1 Introduction and Environmental Considerations 2 Invertebrate Classification and Relationships 3 The Protists 4 The Poriferans and Placozoans 5 Introduction to the Hydrostatic Skeleton 6 The Cnidarians 7 The Ctenophores 8 The Platyhelminthes 9 The Mesozoand: Possible Flatworm Relatives 10 The Gnathifera: Rotifers, Acanthocephalans, and Two Smaller Groups 11 The Nemertines 12 The Molluscs 13 The Annelids 14 The Arthropods 15 Two Phyla of Likely Arthropod Relatives: Tardigrades and Onychophorans 16 The Nematodes 17 Four Phyla of Likely Nematode Relatives: Nematomorpha, Priapulida, Kinorhyncha, and Loricifera 18 Three Phyla of Uncertain Affiliation: Gastrotricha, Chaetognatha, and Cyliophora 19 The Lophophorates (Phoronids, Brachiopods, Bryozoans) and Entoprocts 20 The Echinoderms 21 The Hemichordates 22 The Xenoturbellids: Deuterostomes at Last' 23 The Nonvertebrate Chordates 24 Invertebrate Reproduction and Development--An Overview