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Marketing Management(GE) 作 / 譯 者 : Philip Kotler,Kevin Lane Keller,Alexander Chernev I S B N - 13 : 9781292404813 I S B N - 10 : 1292404817 類 別: 行銷管理 版 次: 16 版 年 份: 2022 規 格: 605 頁 出 版 商: Pearson Education 簡介 The world of marketing is changing every day — and in order for students to have a competitive edge, they need a text that reflects the best and most recent marketing theory and practices. Marketing Management collectively uses a managerial orientation, an analytical approach, a multidisciplinary perspective, universal applications, and balanced coverage to distinguish it from all other marketing management texts out there. Unsurpassed in its breadth, depth, and relevance, the 16th Edition features a streamlined organization of the content, updated material, and new examples that reflect the very latest market developments. After reading this landmark text, students will be armed with the knowledge and tools to succeed in the new market environment around them. 目錄 PART I: FUNDAMENTALS OF MARKETING MANAGEMENT Ch 1 Defining Marketing for The New Realities Ch 2 Marketing Planning And Management PART II: UNDERSTANDING THE MARKET Ch 3 Analyzing Consumer Markets Ch 4 Analyzing Business Markets Ch 5 Conducting Marketing Research PART III: DEVELOPING A VIABLE MARKET STRATEGY Ch 6 Identifying Market Segments And Target Customers Ch 7 Crafting A Customer Value Proposition And Positioning PART IV: DESIGNING VALUE Ch 8 Designing And Managing Products Ch 9 Designing And Managing Services Ch10 Building Strong Brands Ch11 Managing Pricing And Sales Promotions PART V: COMMUNICATING VALUE Ch12 Managing Marketing Communications Ch13 Designing An Integrated Marketing Campaign in The Digital Age Ch14 Personal Selling And Direct Marketing PART VI: DELIVERING VALUE Ch15 Designing and Managing Distribution Channels Ch16 Managing Retailing PART VII: MANAGING GROWTH Ch17 Driving Growth in Competitive Markets Ch18 Developing New Market Offerings Ch19 Building Customer Loyalty Ch20 Tapping into Global Markets Ch21 Socially Responsible Marketing