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華語寫作一學就上手【進階級】 ISBN13:9786263175204 出版社:五南圖書出版 作者:陳嘉凌;李菊鳳-作;吳昕霓-繪 裝訂/頁數:平裝/292頁 規格:23cm*17cm*1.4cm (高/寬/厚) 重量:500克 版次:1 出版日:2022/03/25 中國圖書分類:寫作;修辭 內容簡介   ◎本書為輔助華語初學者更容易應對生活中以華語寫作之事務而編撰。   This book is built to assist entry level Chinese learners in applying Chinese writing into their daily life.   本書共分基礎、進階二冊,基礎級九課以日常生活實用性寫作為主;進階級九課則介紹寫作文體技巧,練習篇章寫作的手法。每課皆依主題,設計了「動動腦」、「動動手」、「生詞」、「句型」、「寫作時間」及「小叮嚀」等六大項活動,最後附有QR Code,以手機掃描,可連結到由外籍生為該課所拍攝之約三分鐘的短片。本書亦為準備華語文寫作測驗的重要參考書籍。   This book can be divided into two volumes, Basic and intermediate, made up of nine chapters each. The former teaches basic and practical writing skills used in everyday life, the latter introduces skills in composing different types of writing, ways to practice passage writing. Every chapter is spread out into six components: “Brainstorming”, “Try it out”, “Vocabulary”, “Grammar”, “Writing practice” and “Useful Tips”, based on a certain theme. Furthermore, at the end of each chapter, is a QR code. By scanning said QR code students will be able to access an extra video regarding that very chapter. This book can also act as a reference in preparing for Chinese written examinations. 目錄 推薦序一/林振興 推薦序二/蔡雅薰 編輯主旨 第一課 寫心情 第二課 寫記錄 第三課 寫企劃書 第四課 寫公告 第五課 寫心得報告 第六課 寫故事 第七課 寫稿子 第八課 寫介紹 第九課 寫標語 生詞列表 句型列表