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Retailing Management 作 / 譯 者 : Michael Levy,Dhruv Grewal I S B N - 13 : 9781265072469 I S B N - 10 : 1265072469 類 別: 零售管理 版 次: 11 版 年 份: 2023 規 格: 643 頁 出 版 商: McGraw Hill Education 簡介 Retailing Management, 11th Edition, highlights the many ways the retail industry has transformed and evolved over the past several years. In keeping with market-leading tradition, the eleventh edition, focuses on key strategic issues with an emphasis on financial considerations and implementation through merchandise and store management. Strategic and tactical issues are examined for a broad spectrum of retailers, both large and small, domestic and international, selling both merchandise and services. The authors focused on five important factors that delineate outstanding retailers: 1. Use of big data and analytical methods for decision making 2. Social media and mobile channels for communicating with customers and enhancing their shopping experience 3. Issues involved in providing a seamless multichannel experience for customers 4. Engagement in the overarching emphasis on conscious marketing and corporate social responsibility when making business decisions 5. Impact of globalization on the retail industry. 目錄 SECTION I: THE WORLD OF RETAILING Ch 1 Introduction to the World of Retailing Ch 2 Types of Retailers Ch 3 Digital Retailing Ch 4 Multichannel and Omnichannel Retailing Ch 5 Consumer Behavior SECTION II: RETAILING STRATEGY Ch 6 Retail Market Strategy Ch 7 Financial Strategy Ch 8 Retail Locations Ch 9 Retail Site Location Ch10 Information Systems and Supply Chain Management Ch11 Customer Relationship Management SECTION III: MERCHANDISE MANAGEMENT Ch12 Managing the Merchandise Planning Process Ch13 Buying Merchandise Ch14 Retail Pricing Ch15 Retail Communication Mix SECTION IV: HUMAN RESOURCES AND STORE MANAGEMENT Ch16 Human Resources and Managing the Store Ch17 Store Layout, Design, and Visual Merchandising Ch18 Customer Service